Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Half Way!


I can’t believe we’re here already, how did the first half of mission fly by!?  Now I know I’m a week late with my post, but it has been a pretty busy couple of weeks, so forgive me!

After the School of Evangelization, we challenged each participant to lead the Discovery faith study.  The timing was perfect for this since we had just finished our first round.  The idea is that participants become leaders, and then in turn train their participants to become leaders.  This leads to spiritual multiplication, and the hope is to reach the entire world with the Gospel message.

We had ten people come out to the training session to learn how to lead Discovery!  We were all very excited!  Of those ten, we have three leading studies this round, and one person co-leading with Mary, which is awesome!  The others are intending on leading studies at a later date.

At the training night, one woman who attended the retreat asked me if I could help her with her testimony. As I read what she had written, it was clear to me that her life had changed dramatically and that she now knows Christ.  She described how her life used to be full of worries and uncertainties, but that now she knows that she doesn't have to worry because Jesus loves her and has died to pay the price for her sins and risen to give her eternal life.  It was so clear to me that she has a personal relationship with Jesus, but it wasn't clear how this relationship began.  I asked her when she realized all of this and when her life changed. To my surprise, she answered "I guess after the Discovery study and School of Evangelization Retreat".   Wow, praise God. This woman's life is changed.  

So we had lesson one of Discovery last week, and it was really wonderful.  Instead of having huge groups, we had six smaller groups.  The really amazing thing about this new group of participants is that it is filled with people who aren't always at mass.  We asked participants from the first round to invite their friends to take the study, and we now have about 30 participants!

Since then we've had many different events, but Marc will fill you in on all of that!

God Bless you all!!!


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