Thursday, 11 July 2013

First Youth Group and Adoration!

Hi Everyone!

Marc-André here! Hope you’ve been following and enjoying our blog posts to see what God has been doing here in Espanola!

I’m here to fill you in with the rest of our week. As Angèle explained in the last post, we had our first faith study of our second round this past Tuesday, July 2. Last Thursday, July 4, we had our first youth group evening! The theme of the night was God’s Overflowing Love. We had about eight youth come out to the first night. We played games, sang some songs, ate some food, and talked about God’s love. I gave a talk on how God’s love is a personal love and that He will never stop loving us, but we can choose whether or not we love him back.

To demonstrate God’s overflowing love in a concrete way, we had a paint war! Yes, at the sound of the bear-horn to signal the start of battle, we began drenching each other in shades of blue, yellow, red, and green. If my memory is correct, the blue team was the winner, and they were awarded only the finest plastic trophy Dollarama could provide. It was epic!

What could possibly top such a colourful competition, you may wonder? No one else but the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist! We had an adoration night last Saturday, and about twenty people came out. We left booklets in the pews of the church called “The Ultimate Relationship.” These booklets explain how we are called to a personal relationship with Christ. We hoped that these books may give those who came an opportunity to start a relationship with Christ while in his presence in the Blessed Sacrament.

Afterwards, we had refreshments down in the hall, and we spoke with people to see how their night was. One girl in Grade 7, after reading The Ultimate Relationship booklet, shared that she had made a big decision during adoration. “I’ve decided that I want Christ to be the centre of my life!” she said. “I think we should give these books to everyone at church!” she added. Praise God! What a decision to make for one who hasn’t even reached high school yet!

Well, that caps off last week. Thank you so much for reading, and please comment on our posts!

God bless!


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