The past week has been pretty boring, so there's not much to talk about.
JUST KIDDING! Revive: Espanola is NEVER boring! We always have something to do, which is absolutely wonderful!
I'm a few days late on my post (forgive me), so i'll try to remember the highlights from last week.
Tuesday we had lesson 3 of Discovery. I guess I'll share a bit of how my study is going. This is my first time leading Discovery in french, and it's definitely challenging. However, the really great thing is that God uses our inadequacies and weaknesses! Although I'm not really sure how my participants are doing, it has been such a great way to realize that hearts are not changed because of what I say. It has been a very humbling experience to realize that I may not be clear in my expressions or teaching, but that the Holy Spirit can reveal Christ to participants regardless!
We also had our third week of youth group, the theme was: What's stopping you/Fear factor. Mary gave a really great talk on peer pressure. So many kids face this, not only because of their friends, but also because of the media, pop culture, even music. Our small groups were really great this week. We prayed with the kids, something that most of them have never done before. It's really amazing to see the kind of people coming out to our youth group. When you think youth group, you think of kids who come from well formed Catholic or Christian families who attend church each Sunday. This is NOT the case for our youth group. We had 12 kids come out, and of those twelve, not a single one attends mass, and maybe three of them have parents who attend mass. It's a pretty amazing gift that God has given us. These kids are encountering Christ! CRAZY!
We also have our youth group coming up this weekend, where most participants don't attend mass, some who have never even set foot in a church. So keep us in your prayers!!
This past Sunday was also really great. We split up to go to the different parishes in the area to invite youth to the retreat. I was able to go to Sagamok and Webbwood. Sagamok is a native reserve about 30min outside of Espanola. I was amazed at how welcoming everyone was there, especially the priest. I wasn't sure what to expect since I went by myself, and no one there had heard of Revive, but the priest got me involved, handing out song books and allowed me to give an announcement at the end of mass. It was awesome, many people thanked me for what we're doing, and indicated that they're interested in the youth retreat. We haven't heard anything back yet, so pray that some kids sign up!! I also attended Webbwood church, which technically should be my family's church since we live outside of Webbwood. It is such a beautiful church, and again, as soon as I walked in the front door I shook hands with about 5 people!
Going to these different churches really gave me an appreciation for our universal church. That i can go anywhere, and the mass is the same. Different songs, different words spoken maybe, but the liturgy, the amazing liturgy is the same! And the best part, JESUS! Woo! I think I've been on a spiritual high for the past four days because of this Sunday, haha. But really, the Catholic church is so beautiful.
ALSO, Selina, who came to visit a couple of weeks ago has written about Revive in her blog- here is an excerpt. She is a creative writer, so I strongly encourage y'all check out the rest of her blog!
Impact Throwback
This is my third day in Espanola Ontario visiting the Revive Espanola mission, which is my friend Angele's initiative to bring a parish renewal mission like CCO's Impact mission to her hometown. So far everything has been awesome! Last night was the best so far - it was a complete throwback into Tuesday nights from Impact Halifax last summer.
It was the first night of the second round of faith studies in the parish of St. Jude's in Espanola, which is one of the main things that these missions do in the parishes. TheDiscovery faith study is a six-week study that looks at the basic message of the Christian faith: that God loves each one of us personally, and Jesus gave His life for us on the Cross so that the relationship with God that was broken by sin can be restored, and then we can choose for ourselves if we want to have this relationship or not. Twenty-seven people attended the studies last night, which is awesome!
I sat in on a study that one of the parishioners is leading in the second round, after having taken it in the first round. All the women in her study seemed to really enjoy the first lesson, which is about God's real, personal, and secure love for us individually, and they all had some really interesting stories to share too. The leader shared her testimony (the story of her faith journey) and everyone left beaming with a heightened awareness of God's love, and the other missionaries had great things to share about how well their studies went too. I was so filled with joy at being able to witness this first night of studies and to see how much God is working through these people to make their parish more alive and on fire for Christ! Everyone deserves to know how much Jesus personally loves them and if everyone knew that, can you imagine how much more meaningful people's faith lives would be? There is a reason we go to church, and that is because we are living out a relationship with our Creator and Redeemer, who wants to give us everything, and a hundredfold more. The Revive Espanola team is essentially giving parishioners at St. Jude's a reason why they go to church. Churches all over the world need this kind of renewal, and it's so amazing and a blessing that I get to see some of what God is doing through them!
It's also really nice to get to spend time with my friends who have given their summer for this mission. Espanola is a really nice town and this is where I got to spend my prayer time today:
It was the first night of the second round of faith studies in the parish of St. Jude's in Espanola, which is one of the main things that these missions do in the parishes. TheDiscovery faith study is a six-week study that looks at the basic message of the Christian faith: that God loves each one of us personally, and Jesus gave His life for us on the Cross so that the relationship with God that was broken by sin can be restored, and then we can choose for ourselves if we want to have this relationship or not. Twenty-seven people attended the studies last night, which is awesome!
I sat in on a study that one of the parishioners is leading in the second round, after having taken it in the first round. All the women in her study seemed to really enjoy the first lesson, which is about God's real, personal, and secure love for us individually, and they all had some really interesting stories to share too. The leader shared her testimony (the story of her faith journey) and everyone left beaming with a heightened awareness of God's love, and the other missionaries had great things to share about how well their studies went too. I was so filled with joy at being able to witness this first night of studies and to see how much God is working through these people to make their parish more alive and on fire for Christ! Everyone deserves to know how much Jesus personally loves them and if everyone knew that, can you imagine how much more meaningful people's faith lives would be? There is a reason we go to church, and that is because we are living out a relationship with our Creator and Redeemer, who wants to give us everything, and a hundredfold more. The Revive Espanola team is essentially giving parishioners at St. Jude's a reason why they go to church. Churches all over the world need this kind of renewal, and it's so amazing and a blessing that I get to see some of what God is doing through them!
It's also really nice to get to spend time with my friends who have given their summer for this mission. Espanola is a really nice town and this is where I got to spend my prayer time today: