Sunday, 16 June 2013

Disco Lesson 5, High School Outreach, and Father's Day!

Hello everyone!!

Marc-André here again posting about past week on the Revive mission, and boy, was it ever an eventful one!

Last Thursday, we had Lesson 5 of the Discovery faith study where we look at how we must personally choose to have a relationship with Jesus and that we are all called to participate in this intimate relationship. We start the lesson with a question, perhaps the greatest question you will ever face. If you were to die today, and God asked you, “Why should I let you into heaven?” what would you say?

When I first heard this question, I just listed a bunch of good and virtuous deeds I had done; the fact that I had never committed any really bad sins; and that I always strived to be a good person. I hoped that that would be enough.

The truth is, no matter how righteous a person is, this cannot overcome the infinite barrier between us and God because of our sin. In order to overcome an infinite barrier, we must place our faith into an infinite being. That being is Jesus. He is the reason why we can return to our Father in heaven. And Jesus does not care about what we’ve done or who we are. As long as we are repentant of our sins and humble enough to place him at the centre of our lives, we experience God’s grace in a way like no other.

Lesson 5 is what led me to have a relationship with Jesus and to know God personally. I am sure it has led many of our participants’ lives to encounter Jesus in a personal way, perhaps for the first time!

We also challenged our participants to lead their own faith study group when we begin our second round in July. As you read this, the Holy Spirit is entering the hearts of our participants and making them become leaders in the New Evangelization and the renewal of the world. What a grace!

Also, this past Friday, we had a presentation at the Espanola High School for our youth group starting in July. We weren’t very sure what to expect at this school; it is the only non-Catholic school where we were planning on presenting at, but it is also the biggest school in Espanola. We served free pizza to attract students, and they came, about 15 – 20 of them. We presented a small sample of what youth group would look like. We played a game to start off, and then we asked them a number of faith questions, such as, Who is God to you? Do you think religion is relevant? If you could know God personally, would you want to?

After these questions, we led a couple of praise and worship songs. It was all our first time leading worship, so we were definitely a bit nervous, but it all went really well! Angèle led us wonderfully, and hey, even some of the kids sang along!

After the music, Angèle shared her testimony of how she came to know Christ. This was her old high school, so her story was pretty relatable to the students there. She spoke of how, on the outside, her life may have seemed perfect, but on the inside, she always felt empty during high school and her first year of university. It was only when she let Jesus into her life at a retreat that she felt truly filled, inside and out.

Some, if not all, of the students were definitely struck by her testimony; one of the students talked to me about how he could relate to her story a bit. We ended up getting seven phone numbers of interested students for our youth group. Not bad, considering we have three more schools to go to, all of which are Catholic!

And finally, today at the mass, God graced us with some notable events! Before the French mass, Angèle went to ask one of her faith study participants to see if she would like to share her experience of the faith studies. At first, she said no, but about five minutes later, she approached us and said that the Holy Spirit was telling her that she should go speak after mass. And so she did, and it was awesome! She shared about how the faith study allowed her to deepen her own personal faith and encouraged others to join the next round! We need more people like her at the parish for when we leave in August!

Also, today being Father’s Day, we had a soup luncheon after the 11 am mass for all of the fathers at the parish and also as a fundraiser for our mission. We had about 80 people come have soup and raised about $500! This money is going to help us with our youth programs for the months of July and August. It was also a wonderful event for parishioners to socialize and build community.

Well, that’s it for this past week, but stay tuned! This coming week, we have three school presentations, the last lesson of Discovery, and Michael Dopp is hosting a “School of Evangelization” retreat this coming weekend! God’s done so many wonderful works on this mission so far, and much more has yet to come! Thank you, God! And thank YOU all for reading this blog!

God bless,


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