I traveled to visit them with three CCO Impact alumni (Zak Brownrigg, Jeremy Eckert, and Daniel Rodrigues) and Pat Hoffman, a CCO missionary (who happens to be Mary's brother). Our van made the long journey from Ottawa to Espanola to assist with the retreat by providing music ministry and helping set up.
Having never gone on a summer mission like Impact, I had no idea what to expect when coming to Espanola. Boy, was I sure surprised.
Meeting all of the parishioners of St. Jude's showed me the great rapport that the Revive team has with the parish community, which has been exemplified by their successful faith studies and projects completed thus far. We got to help out at both Sunday masses, encouraging people to participate in faith studies (we were even introduced to the parish at the one mass!).
The retreat itself was unbelievable. Michael Dopp, who gave the retreat, was an amazing speaker whose passion for Christ was truly inspiring to experience. His approach to the New Evangelization gave the participants an understanding of its significance to the Catholic Church but also provided everyone with a toolbox of methods to share their faith with others. The anecdotes he provided were incredible, and the words he chose to describe certain concepts were thought-provoking. I walked away from that retreat renewed in my commitment to Christ, and the challenge was presented to the parishioner attendees to continue working in their parish after the weekend was over.
Since I have absolutely no musical aptitude, I was more than happy to change the slides so everyone could sing along with the songs. I was so moved by the wonderful performances given by Jeremy, Zak, Marc-Andre, Mary, and Angele during the praise and worship parts of the weekend. Even when no one was around, the group would be doing jam sessions covering everything from Church songs to 1980's pop songs.
We were also treated to five star level accommodations during our visit. The Sweeney family opened the doors of their home to us with open arms and their neighbours (whom none of us had ever met) let us stay in their trailer AND use their showers. I would like to classify this as Northern hospitality, which is much better than any Southern hospitality you may find elsewhere. Our group was truly blessed to have this opportunity to come and visit.
On a final note, all five of us walked away from this weekend wishing we could stay and remain part of the mission. Michael affectionately referred to us as "the red shirts" all weekend, and many parishioners were delighted to see the Revive team more than double in size for the weekend. Everyone we interacted with were so delighted to have us there, but we were the lucky ones. Even if it was just for the weekend, we got to be part of something special. I got to see their "Command Center" where they had developed all of their plans, I got to pray, eat, and hang out with these talented young missionaries.
As Pat Hoffman noted during the weekend "What you guys are doing here in Espanola is the whole point of what CCO is all about". These young people have taken what they have learned and applied it to the real world. Revive Espanola is a great mission, and everyone from our group was more than thrilled that we got to experience this amazing opportunity.
And there's still more to come! I look forward to hearing more about will be happening in the coming weeks in that fine little paper town...
God bless,
Joe Murphy