Hi again everyone!
This is Marc-André, and I
have the privilege this week to give you a rundown of how the mission has been
going so far!
Mary and I started to
volunteer at the local Catholic elementary school. We’re getting to know the
young people that will be a part of our youth group this coming July! It is a
great experience getting to know the wonderful children and future leaders of
We had another awesome
faith study night this past Thursday. We had about 35 people come out again for
Lesson 2 of Discovery, and like the first lesson, our participants enjoyed
their small group sessions and all learned about how we can deepen our
relationship with Jesus.
In Lesson 1, we looked at
how God’s love is personal, NOT general, and how we are created to be in a
relationship with Him. Lesson 2 looks at ourselves and how we respond to God’s
love. The lesson can be broken up into three sections: 1. Love is offered; 2.
Love is proven; 3. Love is merciful.
In the first section, we
look at the creation story with Adam and Eve and the Tree of Knowledge of Good
and Evil. We pose the question, “We know that our God is a loving god, so why
would He put the Tree of Knowledge in the garden and specifically tell Adam and
Even NOT to eat from it? How is this an act of God’s love?” Well, what do you
think the answer is?
God offers us His love so
that we can accept it. Adam and Eve needed to have the choice to disobey God,
i.e. the choice not to love God, in order for them to have the choice to obey
God, i.e. to love God. Imagine if God had not put the Tree in the garden. Adam
and Eve would not be able to disobey God; it would be impossible for them. They
would be forced to love God, which is
not love at all. Love is only love if it is freely chosen. We need free will if
we want to love, and God offers us free will by giving us the option of sin, of
disobeying God, of not loving God and neighbour.
But humanity did choose
to disobey God, which caused us to be separated from God. This leads to our
second section, “Love is Proven.” To mend this gap between humanity and God,
God had to send His only Son, Jesus, to die for us, to prove to us that despite
our disobedience, God still desires to be with us. Jesus did not die only for
those who loved him; He died mainly for those who hated, despised, and loathed
Him. Think about it. You might have a mother, a father, a daughter, a son, or a
friend that you love so much, you would be willing to die for them. But what
about an ungodly person? What about your worst enemy or a murderer? Would you
be willing to die for them? I don’t think I would! But as it says in Romans
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the
ungodly. Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person – though perhaps
for a good person someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love
for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
What an immense love!
Christ has made a way for us to turn back to our Heavenly Father! Which leads
to the last section: Love is Merciful. God gave us the parable of the Prodigal
Son to exemplify what happens when we turn back to Him. In the parable, the
younger of two sons takes his inheritance from his father and leaves home for a
life of indulgence. He squanders all he has on pleasures of the world and is
ultimately left with nothing. He looks at himself and realizes he has nothing.
He decides to return home: Maybe my
father will take me back as one of his servants, he thinks to himself. At least they have food to eat. But on
his way back, while the son was still a long way off, the father runs to his
lost son and hugs him and kisses him. He warmly welcomes his son back into his
family. “My son was dead,” the father says, “and is alive again!” The father
forgives his son of his great offense and floods him with love. What great
This isn’t just a nice
story. This is reality! This is how merciful our Father is to us whenever we
turn ourselves away from Him. The moment we decide to turn back, He instantly
fills us with his love, mercy, and grace.
Wow, that ended up being
longer than I thought! That’s a tidbit of what we learn in Discovery and how we
can draw closer to God. If you’re interested to hear more about this faith
study, come join us at St. Jude in Espanola on Thursdays at 7:30 pm! If you are
nowhere near this town, send me a message, because I know for a fact there is a
Discovery study going on near you! It’s being led all across Canada! Check out
this website and see for yourself: leadingdiscovery.ca
Contact us at revive.espanola@gmail.com or call
us at 705-869-6340 for more info!
Thanks so much everyone!
Have a blessed day,
Wow. AMEN! Thank you for summing those up. Non-Christians ALWAYS ask that question: Why would God put the choice of evil in the garden then? I always say something like: Because He didn't want us to be robots who automatically loved Him.